Sunday, March 05, 2006

Don't ask me any questions....I won't answer them.

I wish sometimes that this was a private blog. Then, I wouldn't really hold back on everything I feel. An online journal sort of defeats the purpose of having a journal. I'm not complaining. I find it intriguing to make a post and get others thoughts on my own ideas. I just wish that sometimes, it was private. I like blogging though. I feel a little in between two worlds. I will stop with it right there.
I cried yesterday, and it felt good. Boys just don't seem to understand that. When a girl cries, it's not always because she's sad. Sure, that's the reason why she starts, but it's not always why she follows through with it. It feels good. Because sometimes, I have nothing to think or say that will make myself feel better. But, a good's almost like 30 minutes with a therapist. By the time I'm done, I've exhausted all the emotions to where all I want to do is sleep or stare off into space. And that is a lot better than feeling bad. So, there you go. A free lesson in the art of women fellas. Some girls don't cry because it's a sign of weakness. I disagree. I don't really think it's a strength either, but...I don't know. I think this is one of those posts where I ramble incessantly, because I can't really say how I feel. That's ok though. At least I got to say parts of it. I love Spanglish. It seemed to come on right when I needed it. It's such a sweet movie and it makes your heart hurt. It will always put you in a good mood. You should watch it if you are feeling down. Makes you happy in the small things like family...and responsibility.

1 comment:

Vandy said...

....hmmm a sign of weakness...hmmmm, I wonder who you know that feels like that..?